They're only 15 months old, but they are best friends already.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Big Week!
What a fabulous week for the Nielson Family! I am excited to publish this post now that we are back from Salt Lake. We had a great trip and are so grateful for Susie and Keith for letting me and the kids take over the house, especially when they are trying to plan a wedding! Thank you and we are already missing you! And to my mom, even though you were going to be hosting over 100 people, you were so wonderful to have us for Rob's birthday.
Next big day of the week was May 15th, our 6th anniversary! Neither Tucker or I could believe it had been six years since we had been married, we still feel like newlyweds-all except for the two kids part. : ) Tucker is and will always be the love of my life. He is such an incredible husband and father to Roman and Capri and I feel so lucky to have found such a catch. I know everyone says that there isn't just one person for you to marry, but Tucker is THE ONE and only for me. He is a huge help with the kids, creates his own honey-do lists, is the rock of the family to keep the stress away from me, makes all of us laugh, and knows exactly how to care for me. I love him dearly and can't wait to see what is in store for us in the future. I wanted to post a few pictures from our wedding day (it was a fabulous wedding, let me tell you!) but all of my pictures are in Salt Lake so here are a few of the two of us doing our favorite things:
Hiking Albion Basin:
Cucumber Beach in Belize:
On Waikiki Beach in Hawaii (yes, I am only 5 months pregnant):
To top the week off we held my Grandpa's 80th birthday on Saturday. It turned into a family reunion and it was great to visit with friends and family we hadn't seen in years. I have always loved my Grandpa-he is where I get my fabulous sense of humor and why I learned how to play poker at the age of eight. Did I mention what an amazing magician he was? He definitely knew how to entertain us and we always loved his visits.
Now, let's start with Sunday, Mother's Day. I cannot tell you what it means to me to be a mother. It is my calling, my duty, my wish and my love. My children are absolutely everything to me and I cannot imagine my life any other way. I wouldn't trade this job for any of the success on Wall Street and I am so grateful for the ability to stay home with these sweet babies, I mean toddlers. That's right, I have two kids toddling away-still so happy to be their mother but please, pray for me. Tucker was sweet to surprise me with bright pink azaleas to plant in our pots along with my own pink garden tools! We also went in with my parents for a Mother's/Father's Day present and got an elliptical machine which I am loving.

In McKinney, TX visiting the Ludwigs and Fords:

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
You give me a kiss.
You give me a hug.
You smile when you see me too.
I wish ev’ry child in the whole wide world
Had a grandmother (or grammy) just like you!
Happy Mother's Day!
Here are some flowers we picked especially for you...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Readers of this post: Please scroll down to view two additional posts published today after viewing this one!
Roman and Capri are into absolutely everything and they are wearing me out! We have tried to baby-proof as best we can (using all of the bottom cupboards for plastic stuff that they can play with, closing doors, using cabinet locks, etc) and yet I still am on my toes running after them. I turn around for one second and this is what happens:
In the laundry room:She does like pretty ribbons:
Roman Loves to climb INto everything as well:
Tucker Vs. Gopher Snake
We have lots of wildlife here in San Diego and some we love, the cotton-tail bunnies, and some we hate, SNAKES! Well, last week we saw both in our little courtyard. A mother bunny had made a den for her little babies under the fountain and a snake had found them while she was away. The mom was actually trying to fight off this nasty thing but she came out every time with more bites and eventually left. I wasn't going to let that snake get to the rest of those sweet bunnies so what do I do? I call for Tucker! Hundreds of hours watching the Discovery Channel was bound to pay off someday and here it was! Tucker watched the snake eat one of the bunnies and so he grabbed the golf club and dragged it out to catch it, put it in a bag and got rid of it. Sorry to all of those PETA members out there, but there is no way I was going to let him go when it knew where those bunnies were!
We Love The Zoo!
How about you? You can come too, we're going to the zoo! Ok, that's enough. We have taken Roman and Capri a few times before, but this was a momentous occasion because it was their first time at the Children's Zoo. This is where the kids can pet the nasty dirty goats and the moms stand by with Purell in their hands. Needless to say, the twins loved it and with Capri walking now, we really couldn't keep up well enough to take any great pics:
Don't let Roman's face fool you-he loved the animals, but was sick with a cold and wanted to be held. Capri, on the other hand, was so excited that she just kept running from one animal to the next!
They love the ducks and flamingos and here is Roman signing "bird."
Friday, May 2, 2008
We Are Walking!
This blogging world must be magic because every time I write about a trick we haven't yet achieved with the twins, they prove me wrong the next day. It worked with crawling and now it has worked with walking! March 30th was the big day because both Roman and Capri took their first steps. Capri was much more steady with her two steps where Roman was falling gracefully as he took three or four steps. Either way, it was pretty exciting! Since then, Capri has been walking quite a bit and toddles everywhere she goes-there isn't anything much cuter to watch. Roman, on the other hand, is pretty steady as long as we are touching him-that's right, he just needs to know we are there and he does great. Of course he has taken steps on his own, but only now is he getting frustrated enough with crawling to really want to try walking. I think his sister has something to do with that frustration. ; ) The look on their faces when they walk is priceless so we wanted to get it on tape-ok, so nothing is on tape anymore, but you know what I mean!
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